Lin Weeks Wilder

Lin Weeks Wilder

men and women

The Distinctly Separate Natures of Women and Men

The distinctly separate natures of women and men “Wait—Are you saying that there’s no difference between men and women? “That the sole difference between the sexes is anatomic and biologic?” The air was suddenly charged. And the easy energy between us gone. Startled and confused, I said, “Well, yes, of course…” But my words faded […]

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We Have No Right to Happiness: Last Words of CS Lewis

We Have No Right to Happiness: Last Words of CS Lewis

We have no right to happiness: Last words of CS Lewis Right, it’s the title of the last article CS Lewis penned before he died. I’ll admit his statement consititutes a 180 for me since I have written numerous times about happiness—what I think is entailed to be happy. And more recently, thoughts that achieving happiness have

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