historical fiction

mary called magdalene: a portrait

Mary Called Magdalene: A Portrait

Penitent Mary Magdalene-wooded sculpture Donatello Mary Called Magdalene is a woman alternately thought to be prostitute, mystic, secret lover of Jesus, and the apostle who reached higher levels than did any of the male apostles. Throughout the ages, Mary beckons both believers and non. Her relationship with Jesus is a curious one, implying an intimacy […]

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Sanity: Stillness, Addiction and Love

Wondering how stillness, addiction and love relate to sanity? Had two distinctly books not fallen into my lap I would never have made the correlation or even wondered about sanity: stillness, addiction and love. The two books? The Love That Keeps Us Sane: Living the Little Way of St. Therese of Lesieux written by sixty-something-

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2 New Lin Wilder Author Interviews

2 new Lin Wilder interviews? Each of the last five years this time, late September, finds me working to finish a book. This one is no different from the previous years; I am pushing hard to complete the 1st iteration of My Name is Saul. Forcing my writing to be extremely focused on Saul instead

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The Audacity of Writing

The Audacity of Writing. Every once in a while, seemingly disparate, even oxymoronic thoughts become as one: love and writing are like that for me today. There is an audacity necessary to write and to love. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Christ’s words are clear in the Gospel passage we hear repeated so

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Writing: A Surprisingly Effective Antidote to Stress

Writing: a surprisingly effective antidote to stress? How can that be true? Seems to the casual observer that spending days, sometimes months studying opaque topics like epigenetics, or court cases about physicians wrongfully convicted of murder or former combat marines wrongfully convicted of raping a child would cause stress, not relieve it…and not just the

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Cool Interview from Feathered Quill

Cool interview from Feathered Quill. I am reposting this interview for a couple of reasons. First, although it is the end of the week, I have gotten very little writing done on My Name is Saul. Therefore cannot afford the time to create a new article for Sunday. Hope you’re okay with such candor. Secondly,

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certainty: is there anything more seductive?

Certainty: Is There Anything More Seductive?

Certainty: Is there anything more seductive to those of us so hungry for…what exactly? Is it knowledge and wisdom? Or is it more often for affirmation that what we think and believe, even insist, is the truth. In the year 1900, Lord Kelvin took the podium at the British Association of Science to announce: “There

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