Lin Weeks Wilder

Lin Weeks Wilder

medical mystery

The Shame and Blame Game: The Anatomy of Sin

The shame and blame game: the anatomy of sin Some books are worth reading over and over again. Karol Wojtyla’s–Pope John Paul ll’s– A Sign of Contradiction is one of those unique texts. Recently, I read A Sign of Contradiction for the third or maybe the fifth time. The book compiles Wojtyla’s meditations for the […]

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Never Forget Our Friends in Heaven

Never forget our friends in heaven Upon conversion to Catholic Christianity, it was if I’d landed in another universe, one filled with women I did not recognize and could not relate to. I met joyous moms with five, seven, ten kids who seemed filled with light, life and children. Women who continued their pregnancy through to

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The Problem With the Catholic Church is the Crucifix

The problem with the Catholic Church “So why did you become Catholic?” After listening to my abbreviated conversion story, Bob explained that he’d born a Catholic but was now an evangelical Christian. Apparently feeling the need to defend his decision to leave Catholicism to a new convert, Bob declared that the crucifix is depressing and

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2 New Lin Wilder Author Interviews

2 new Lin Wilder interviews? Each of the last five years this time, late September, finds me working to finish a book. This one is no different from the previous years; I am pushing hard to complete the 1st iteration of My Name is Saul. Forcing my writing to be extremely focused on Saul instead

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The Contradictions Of Sin And Mercy

Contradictions of sin and mercy There are times when an essay from the past feels fitting. This is one of those times. Mostly because there is one man who better understands the contradictions of sin and mercy better than any other: Karol Wojtyla. His first published work was a series of meditations prepared at the

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The Audacity of Writing

The Audacity of Writing. Every once in a while, seemingly disparate, even oxymoronic thoughts become as one: love and writing are like that for me today. There is an audacity necessary to write and to love. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Christ’s words are clear in the Gospel passage we hear repeated so

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