Lin Weeks Wilder

Lin Weeks Wilder


Memorial Day and Covenants: Good and Evil

Memorial Day and covenants Memorial Day officially kicks off summer: It’s the season of beach parties, barbeques and hot dogs. Too often, only as afterthought, those who gave their lives for this “great experiment,” are remembered. More on that excellent phrase in a moment but first some background. Memorial Day began during the Civil War. […]

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a declaration of dependence

A Declaration of Dependence

A declaration of dependence America’s declaration of independence is fundamentally a declaration of dependence on God wrote Archbishop Fulton Sheen over eighty years ago.  When we read the five-man committee’s words, we cannot help but be moved by their implicit reason and truth. WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to

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The World: The Great Yes and the Great No.

The world: The Great Yes and the Great No It’s a cryptic but arresting phrase, isn’t it: The great yes and the great no? I tripped on it while searching for something online a couple of weeks ago. After listening twice to a ten-year-old homily of Bishop Barron’s called—you guessed it—The Great Yes and the

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It is Good for Us to Be Here: The Understatement of All Time

It is Good for Us to Be Here: The Understatement of All Time

It is good for us to be here…the understatement of all time. Peter’s words, “It is good for us to be here…” evokes a smile at the massiveness of the understatement. But after reflecting on what it must have felt like to those three Apostles: Jesus tells them to come up to the mountain with

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Nothing’s Worse Than Getting Used to the Magnificent

Nothing’s Worse Than Getting Used to the Magnificent

Nothing’s worse than getting used to the magnificent. Years ago while living in the first house I’d ever bought by myself, I had a Ziggy calendar. And this was one of the cartoons for the month. Only in that version, Ziggy was shouting, “YEAH GOD!” I loved that cartoon. On many a morning while driving

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Religion Begins with Experience

Religion begins with experience Religion does not start out with the notion of God. It starts with a personal experience, the overwhelming experience of ultimate belonging. Religion of the Heart On the wall of the bathroom off the foyer in our new—to us— Texas home hangs a frame with two pictures side by side. They

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Reflections on George Bailey- It’s A Wonderful Life

Reflections on George Bailey- It’s A Wonderful Life

Once Again: Reflections On George Bailey and It’s A Wonderful Life. This past Wednesday evening, John and I tuned into It’s A Wonderful Life . Although I wrote a piece on this film back in August, seeing it again impels another. Most of the film is composed of Clarence, George Bailey’s guardian angel, being schooled in George’s

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