Lin Weeks Wilder

Lin Weeks Wilder


American Exceptionalism: Constitution and Bill of Rights

Hillsdale College- Last Days of a Revolutionary: eight-minute video that warrants your time. American exceptionalism: Constitution and Bill of Rights A few weeks ago, a newsletter called “Texas Minute” showed up in my inbox. After providing snippets of state news, author Michael Quinn Sullivan wrote about historian Mellen Chamberlain’s 1887 interview with the last surviving […]

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Stir Into Flame

Stir into flame Saint Paul’s Letter to Timothy from last week’s Christian liturgy feels directed to each of the 8.1 billion living souls in this June of 2024. Although there’s controversy about authorship and dates of these letters, orthodox concensus declares it as Paul’s last letter. He writes to his successor in Ephesus, from prison.

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Memorial Day and Covenants: Good and Evil

Memorial Day and covenants Memorial Day officially kicks off summer: It’s the season of beach parties, barbeques and hot dogs. Too often, only as afterthought, those who gave their lives for this “great experiment,” are remembered. More on that excellent phrase in a moment but first some background. Memorial Day began during the Civil War.

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What would it look like if?

What would it look like if we treated everyone with authority and humility? Monday’s 6am Mass at Saint Matthew’s was celebrated by Fr. Paul who issues a challenge at the end of his early Monday morning Masses. Monday’s was, “What would it look like if we treated everyone with power and humility?” Everyone: the HEB

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Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic If You Can Keep It.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic If You Can Keep It.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic if you can keep it. Something happened 402 years ago-some type of meal took place between the English settlers and the Massasoit and others of the Wampanoag settlement of native Americans. The details of that shared meal in what would become Plymouth Massachusetts are fodder for contention by pundits. That fact has

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A Journey of Forgiveness: Our Life on Earth

A journey of forgiveness “Our life on earth is a journey of forgiveness,” declared Fr. Paul at the St. Matthew’s Tuesday 6am daily Mass. Commenting on the Gospel for last Tuesday, the priest spoke of a recent experience with a parishioner following the sacrament of reconciliation. He told the contrite young man, “I see Jesus in you.

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Whatever’s Happening: Make it Holy!

Whatever’s Happening: Make it holy It is wonderful to be alive in asmuch as our true life is the life beyond; otherwise whocould bear the burden of this life if there weren’t a prizefor suffering, an eternal joy; how could one explainthe admirable resignation of so many poor creatureswho struggle with life and often die

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The Right Not to Know: Advice from Solzhenitsyn

The right not to know Since I’m an admirer of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, I’ve used excerpts from his speeches and books, for articles about his riveting observations. Many of his comments feel relevent, almost urgently so, although they were penned decades ago. This one: the right not to know, is another of the Russian’s remarks that seems to leap

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