
EWTN, Mother Angelica and Miracles

EWTN, Mother Angelica and Miracles Because I had what my friend Jack Capparro vividly termed “the grunge,” I isolated mself last week and didn’t leave the house…at all. For a daily Communicant like me, missing daily Mass feels like sin. And then I remembered EWTN’s daily eight am Masses with the Franciscan Missionaries of the […]

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The Heart-Brain Coherence: How's Your Heart?

The Heart-Brain Coherence: How’s Your Heart?

The heart-brain coherence Our medicalized culture has trained us to think of our hearts as an IED. It’s only a matter of time until the coronary arteries occlude and cause the big bang. Instead of enjoying a steak, we force ourselves to prefer chicken and fish. Since the worldwide primary cause of death is a

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Development versus Alteration: The crucial distinction

Development versus Alteration: The crucial distinction

Development versus Alteration: The crucial distinction Last Friday’s Office of Readings dealt with development versus alteration: the crucial distinction. Fifth-century monk, Saint Vincent of Lerins, writes enthusiastically of the development of doctrine. Is there to be no development of religion in the Church of Christ? Certainly, there is to be development and on the largest

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Moderation: A Forgotten Legacy from President Eisenhower

Moderation: A forgotten legacy from President Eisenhower We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations….we yet realize that America’s leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress, riches and military strength, but on how we use our power in the

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Lack of Gratitude: The Deadliest Sin

Lack of gratitude Recently, I confessed my consistent failures in praying a nightly examination of conscience. Then I asked if the priest could make some suggestions. Father Charlie Banks replied, “Conscious examen” suggesting a review of the day, starting with the good things, giving thanks for them. Then on to those that hadn’t been so

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Goal of Education: To be Fit for Modern World Or?

Goal of education Although it was a zillion years ago, I well recall my casual summer date’s, “Why liberal arts? What can you do with a degree in English literature?” In just a month, I was moving to Houston to work my way through college for a degree in English literature. I’d spent three years

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American Exceptionalism: Constitution and Bill of Rights

Hillsdale College- Last Days of a Revolutionary: eight-minute video that warrants your time. American exceptionalism: Constitution and Bill of Rights A few weeks ago, a newsletter called “Texas Minute” showed up in my inbox. After providing snippets of state news, author Michael Quinn Sullivan wrote about historian Mellen Chamberlain’s 1887 interview with the last surviving

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maintaining the integrity of words

Maintaining the Integrity of Words: Religious Freedom Week

Maintaining the integrity of words isn’t my phrase. But that of Bishop Erik Varden and expresses a belief that is dear to my heart. Why do I think it so dear that it warrants 800 words? There are a number of reasons: even as a kid, I loved words. The process of learning to use

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