In these days of wars on three fronts, headlines of missiles raining down on Syria, ninety minutes of a story based upon a dedicated group of people with the single, pure and loving goal of rescue, rehabilitate and release of Dolphins and other marine animals was just what we needed yesterday.

Dolphin Tale 2 is the sequel to a movie telling the true story of  a group of people in Clearwater Florida who rescued a dolphin they named Winter pictured here with the prosthetic device devised to function for the amputated lower part of her body and her tail. The acclaim of the public to the original story was overwhelming-particularly for those many veterans and children who are amputees. The sight of this dolphin with her prosthetic tail – an animal who would be prey were she to left on her own in the ocean- brought such astonishing international attention and financial support to the small group of people that they were able to form an institution: Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

This sequel narrates another crisis for Winter when her Dolphin friend dies apparently from old age. The crisis is real: Dolphins are  social to the point where another Dolphin presence is as essential as food the lives and well-being of these remarkable creatures. The story of  the dilemma between the need for a Dolphin partner for Winter and the institutional mission of returning healthy Dolphins to the wild is told simply and powerfully.

The young actor and actress who play the roles of the real young people at the Aquarium are believable in their sincerity and passion  for these stunning mysterious creatures who can seem so cerebral, so filled with light, these bottle-nosed Dolphins. And the cameo appearances of Morgan Freeman, and Kris Krisstoferson are added bonuses. If you do decide to see the movie, do stay long enough to see the actual filming of the rescues and of the footage of disabled children and adults who make the visit to communicate with this sympathetic being called Winter.

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