Lin Weeks Wilder


The Blessed Detox of Fasting

Love Fasting: Blessed detox. Love fasting? You’re joking, right? No, in fact, fasting is “in.” Increasingly popular is limiting meals to specific times. In intermittent fasting, eating is restricted to eight of six hour periods out of each twenty-four. Or, in alternate day fasting on one day, total calorie consumption is limited to 500 to 600 followed […]

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The Culture of Lent: Ash Wednesday

The culture of Lent: Ash Wednesday Is Lent a culture? Really? When considering the word culture, we understand it signifies a cumulative deposit of knowledge, beliefs, values, notions of time and of roles. So yes, the upcoming forty days embodies a “culture of Lent.” One that I aim to inhale more completely this year than

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to what do I compare this generation?

Communism, Confession and Our Souls

Communism, Confession and Our Souls Why am I thinking about Communism in this first Sunday in February, 2024? Because it’s all around us, headlines and exhortations shouted out by the American elite. And it’s been so for years. Progressive ideology is merely Marxist rhetoric. Sure it’s cool, 21st-century name, woke, provides a cloak, but it’s

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thinking about the rule of benedict and the baptism of the Lord

Thinking about the Rule of Benedict-And the Baptism of the Lord

Thinking about the Rule of Benedict and the Baptism of the Lord. The Prologue of the Rule of Benedict contains some of the most lryical, lush and arresting prose ever written. These words from the 5th century summon, urge and admonish with utmost delicacy. L I S T E N carefully, my child,to your master’s

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christmas wake-up call

Christmas Wake-Up Call: Stoning, Massacre and a Trump PS on Becket

Christmas Wake-Up Call: Stoning, Massacre and a Trump PS on Becket Wake-up call? Why do we need a Christmas wake-up call? Consider that for much of the world, Christmas starts right after Thanksgiving. Christmas music plays everywhere, shopping ads begin and the Christmas trees go up. Weeks later, when Christmas Day finally dawns, the excitement’s

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The Shock, Awe and Banality of Evil

The shock, awe and banality of evil Secular, Christian and Catholic media are filled with the shock, awe and banality of evil of late. In this case, the inability to name anti-semitism as evil…or even a violation of conduct. After weeks of demonstrations on college American campuses supporting the terrorist group Hamas, Congress not only

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What would it look like if?

What would it look like if we treated everyone with authority and humility? Monday’s 6am Mass at Saint Matthew’s was celebrated by Fr. Paul who issues a challenge at the end of his early Monday morning Masses. Monday’s was, “What would it look like if we treated everyone with power and humility?” Everyone: the HEB

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it's advent: don't waste these precious days!

It’s Advent: Don’t Waste These Precious Days!

It’s advent: don’t waste these precious days! Quietly competing with the banal and boring commercialism of Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays extended sales is another invitation. But it cannot be heard outside in the streets or while listening to CNN. Instead we must silent all the shouts of the marketplace to listen to another voice…more

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Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic If You Can Keep It.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic If You Can Keep It.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic if you can keep it. Something happened 402 years ago-some type of meal took place between the English settlers and the Massasoit and others of the Wampanoag settlement of native Americans. The details of that shared meal in what would become Plymouth Massachusetts are fodder for contention by pundits. That fact has

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