
The Seduction of Noise: Advice From the 5th Century

The seduction of noise. Do an online search and you can see a 21st century way of conceptualizing our addiction to distraction: noise pollution. Researchers have studied the effects of noise pollution and discovered its surprisingly broad impact upon adults and children. But the subject of this piece is even more insidious. Truthfully, is there any

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Our Culture of Superlatives: Do Our Words Matter?

Culture of superlatives: What does that mean, exactly? Recently, I’ve become aware of my tendency to use superlatives both in my writing and in speaking. Consequently, I’ve been thinking a lot about word selection, both mine and that of others. The fourth in the Lindsey McCall medical mystery series, Malthus Revisited: The Cup of Wrath

Our Culture of Superlatives: Do Our Words Matter? Read More »

So You Are A Logical Thinker? Really?

Bet you pride yourself on being a logical thinker. Most of do. We’ve been schooled in Descarte’s Cogito Ergo Sum- I think therefore I am. The same Descartes who performed autopsies on live dogs, the euphemism vivisection sounds far more rational, doesn’t it? He claimed that their screams were merely neurological responses by non-rational organisms who

So You Are A Logical Thinker? Really? Read More »

Why Look Back to Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism?

Why look back to Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism? Huh? Why would we want to return to one of the last Roman Emperors and a Greek philosophy which personified rigorous self-denial, extreme fortitude and emotional indifference? One of the very first books I devoured as a college undergrad was Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A college professor I

Why Look Back to Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism? Read More »

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