telling the truth

The Woman With The Alabaster Jar And The Pharisee: Surprised by Grace

Surprised by Grace Now and then, I am surprised by grace; that phrase is used a lot by Christian writers weakly attempting to convey what Paul describes as living and active and sharper than a two edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit. Because it’s always much more than surprise…more

The Woman With The Alabaster Jar And The Pharisee: Surprised by Grace Read More »

Writing: A Surprisingly Effective Antidote to Stress

Writing as an antidote to stress? How can that be true? Seems to the casual observer that spending days, sometimes months studying opaque topics like epigenetics, or court cases about physicians wrongfully convicted of murder or former combat marines wrongfully convicted of raping a child would cause stress, not relieve it…and not just the research

Writing: A Surprisingly Effective Antidote to Stress Read More »

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