Lin Weeks Wilder

Lin Weeks Wilder


Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic If You Can Keep It.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic If You Can Keep It.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Republic if you can keep it. Something happened 402 years ago-some type of meal took place between the English settlers and the Massasoit and others of the Wampanoag settlement of native Americans. The details of that shared meal in what would become Plymouth Massachusetts are fodder for contention by pundits. That fact has […]

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The True Light Illuminating Death: Jesus

The True Light Illuminating Death: Jesus On June 19th of this year, Pope Francis celebrated Blaise Pascal’s 400th birthday with an Apostolic letter that I found riveting. One that recalled memories from my undergraduate college days, memories that illuminate God’s direction and love during the years I bought into the lies of atheism. But even

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Love: How Extrordinarily Wrong We Are About It

Love: how extrordinarily wrong we are about it. A few years ago, I wrote a piece that recalled an event not long after I converted to Catholic Christianity from decades of mostly atheism. Alone in the church after Mass I sat transfixed by the crucifix. Mesmerized by this ginormous quintessence of agony stretched over the

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a declaration of dependence

A Declaration of Dependence

A declaration of dependence America’s declaration of independence is fundamentally a declaration of dependence on God wrote Archbishop Fulton Sheen over eighty years ago.  When we read the five-man committee’s words, we cannot help but be moved by their implicit reason and truth. WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to

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Deeply Invested in Blindness: We Are All Jews Now

Deeply invested in blindness: we are all Jews now. The sobering, jolting truth of a phase penned by Liel Liebowitz: we are all Jews now, shouts out to us. “Maybe it was the spirited conversation, or maybe just the spirits served liberally throughout the evening, but at some point I turned to my friends, raised my

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Whatever’s Happening: Make it Holy!

Whatever’s Happening: Make it holy It is wonderful to be alive in asmuch as our true life is the life beyond; otherwise whocould bear the burden of this life if there weren’t a prizefor suffering, an eternal joy; how could one explainthe admirable resignation of so many poor creatureswho struggle with life and often die

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November’s the Month of the Dead-Why Should We Care?

November’s the month of the dead “I continue to think that we start from very different places on the question of death itself, what it is and what, if anything comes after it…I have trouble getting myself to the point where I believe that anything happens to the individual after death.  I can’t get beyond,

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Nothing’s Worse Than Getting Used to the Magnificent

Nothing’s Worse Than Getting Used to the Magnificent

Nothing’s worse than getting used to the magnificent. Years ago while living in the first house I’d ever bought by myself, I had a Ziggy calendar. And this was one of the cartoons for the month. Only in that version, Ziggy was shouting, “YEAH GOD!” I loved that cartoon. On many a morning while driving

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